Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dining in, please!

Sometimes the best things in life are the simple things. It's the thought that counts right? So how about this Valentine's Day, you stay in and cook some dinner for your significant other and save yourself a hefty amount of money!

My favorite go-to meal that seems like I took hours to prepare is Lasagna rolls! Sounds fancy huh? Well...if I told you you would only need to spend around $18-30 (if you want dessert or not, or a side dish) to make this meal would you believe me? Well you should start believing because I made it happen.

So here is what you'll need:

-1 box of lasagna pasta
-2 jars of tomato sauce (Preferably one with added seasoning and taste)
-1 tub of ricotta cheese
-1 ziploc bag
-1 bag of shredded cheese (your preferred cheese)
-1 lb of lean ground beef

-1 large oven safe dish to put the rolls in so you can bake them in the oven.

Step 1: first you need to grab a pot and start boiling the water for the pasta (Med-Hi heat setting). Add a little bit of olive oil and salt to the water and let the water boil. Also preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 

Step 2: In a separate pot begin to cook your ground beef in a medium setting. Season to your liking and cook until browned. (Tip: I like to add some of the tomato sauce to the ground beef while it's cooking to add extra color and flavor.) You can add chopped onions, salt, pepper or anything! It all depends how you prefer to season it. 

Step 3: Once the meat is cooking, check to see if your water is boiling and add the pasta. You can add as many as you like, I usually add 12, since that's how many fit in the dish. let the pasta boil from 14-18 minutes. You don't want to fully cook the pasta since you're going to bake it, but don't leave it too raw or you'll get crunchy pasta! (no bueno)

Step 4: While the pasta and meat are cooking, start setting up your station. A bowl of cheese, a bowl of sauce, a ziploc bag to add your ricotta cheese so it's easier to squeeze out. A plate to place the pasta  so you can layer up all the ingredients, and finally, the oven safe dish to bake the rolls in.

Step 5: Once the pasta is cooked, use a strainer to remove the water. You can either leave the pasta in the strainer and remove the pasta as you go, or place them on a baking sheet, whatever is easiest for you.

Step 6: Don't forget the meat! Add the cooked meat into a bowl in you station. Now is the messy part, (Hence the lack of photos) now you will grab the pasta, place it flat on the plate and you can begin to add the ingredients. Here is the order I did it in (Even layers, for best results):

before you roll, make sure to add an even layer of sauce into the baking dish so the rolls don't stick!

With a spoon, spread the sauce evenly on the pasta.
added the meat
squeeze the ricotta cheese
sprinkle the shredded cheese

and roll it up! it is pretty easy. Once you have rolled it, place it in the baking dish.

Repeat the process until you have the desired amount of rolls!

Once you have filled the dish, evenly add a layer of sauce over the rolls and add as much shredded cheese as you like. (I love cheese, so I emptied the remainder of the bag over the rolls, lol)

Now bake the rolls for 20-25 minutes, or until the cheese is completely melted and toasty!!

Ta-Da! Your rolls are all done. 

I served my rolls with a side of seasoned baked asparagus, but feel free to serve it with any side you like. Garlic bread, veggies, the options are endless!

Here is the finished Lasagna roll! I'm no chef, but it's the thought that counts right? 

Enjoy your meals! If you make this meal, post it on Instagram with the hashtag #ShopelleB so we can see all your yummy meals!

Happy Vday cooking! May the lasagna roll gods be in your flavor.



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