Tuesday, January 27, 2015

BLOGGER BOMBSHELL: Johnnalynn of Stushigal Style

This week, we're rolling out a new segment on Elle B Styles. I'm super excited to introduce you all to Johnnalynn of Stushigal Style. I've known Johnnalynn for a few months now. If you didn't know already, she's one of Elle B's Brand Ambassadors. She has been uber supportive since day one and nothing short of sweet. Her blog and style is amazing. Her style is chic and she styles looks that anyone can wear. I feel like her style is really true to who she is, and I'm so happy that I get to share her blog with you all today.
Name: Johnnalynn Lynch 

Location:  Atlanta, GA 

5 Items I Couldn't Live Without: My cell phone, a watch, blotting paper, a tote, and Carmex

My go-to hairstyle: Any style in my naturally curly hair since it's easy to do

A bit about my blog and why I started blogging: My blog focuses primarily on my personal style and my travels (when I do have a chance to travel). I've always loved experimenting with different pieces of clothing to see how they fit together. I started blogging on the advice of my best friend who knows how passionate I am about fashion and how much I love to write. We were going on a trip to South America and she suggested that I blog while we were there. It was the perfect start to an outlet that allows me to be creative. 

My favorite past time when I'm not blogging: I'm an avid lover of travel. I get away as often as I can and I've been to quite a few places that include: Indonesia, Italy, England, France, Greece, Argentina, Chile, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Canada and a host of others. I hope to see the whole world one day! 

My top 3 favorite places to shop: Zara, Topshop and Urban Outfitters 

Anything else you would like us to know: I'm a BIG kid at heart and I'm a complete nerd! LOL! I love anything to do with Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Comic Books and Video Games!
 Connect with Johnnalynn!



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